Turnstone Group was established in 2001 to make real estate and real estate-related investments in the United States. Turnstone seeks to capitalize on opportunities created by the prevailing economic trends as well as the associated fundamental market dislocations found in various real estate-related markets and securities.
Turnstone is often a first-mover, investing away from the typical areas of focus for many real estate investors and in transactions that involve creativity, complexity, or superior market knowledge. Turnstone prefers programmatic investment strategies, often with contra cyclical themes that drive investment performance through varying economic conditions.
As an investment manager, Turnstone Group adheres to a highly disciplined investment methodology that includes the following elements: rigorous pre-acquisition due diligence; deal execution and detailed business plan development; scrupulous post-acquisition monitoring; and careful scrutiny of optimal exit scenarios.
P. 404.477.6800
F. 404.496.7030

Turnstone Group LLC is a real estate and real estate-related investment manager.
1170 Peachtree St NE
Suite 1150
Atlanta, GA 30309
© 2023 by Turnstone Group LLC. All Rights Reserved.